Tuesday, 27 December 2016

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

The first thing you can do is not mess with your pimples too much because if you are making it more worse it's gonna be a lot harder to get rid of pimple scar later.

If pimple is filled with bacteria don't remove the pus(pop) with your nails or don't try to remove it with fingers later it will be remain black spot and also can be a holes on your skin.

Causes of Pimples 

Causes of Pimples or Acne is due to Lifestyle changes if you eat a lot of oil in your diet and hormonal changes. If you are a teenager you will be getting pimples often because of your hormonal changes.

Stress can actually make your pimples much worse because it causes a hormone fluctuation.

My biggest tips for distressing is to meditate.

You can also watch a funny comedy videos in which you brain will not think about this which are bothering you.

What food causes pimples 

Cut of fast food
Try to have very little dairy products
Avoid food which has more sugar
Not to drink coca cola or soft drinks

How to stop pimples coming on face

Wash Your face twice a day this helps ensure your pores are clear of excess oil and dirt.
Use a mild face wash or soap to cleanse your face because lot of beauty products are of chemicals.
Sleep well. yes , lack of sleep can also be cause of pimples.
Avoid rich food diet which are rich in carbohydrates these are of flour and sugar.

Get Rid of Pimples Fast

# Ice
Take a Icecube and wrappe it in a tin foil (cover sheet ) and then place it on your pimple for few minutes

Just like the ice lemon juice is actually really great for swelling.
Take a cotton swab get really juicy then you need to apply this lemon juice to the pimple one hour before you go to bed and just rinse it off right before you go to sleep.

 #Banana peel
Banana peels have protein which is a very powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation and it increases healthy cell development.
Take out the banana peel and keep the banana aside we can use it for banana mask, Rub the peel on the pimple in a round motion once covered let it settle for 20 minutes and then just wash off.

Papaya is literally magic cure of all skin problems so papaya will remove dead skin cells as well as get rid of oil on the face. You can actually do papaya face mask also.
Take a cotton swab or you can use finger take little amount of papaya mash and apply on your pimple and leave it for 15 minutes before you wash off.

Cucumbers are great for curing acne or pimples because they have ton of vitamins like C A they have potassium.
Take a cup of water and cut cucumber slices ,place them in water and then let it sit for 60 minutes ( 1 hour ) Use this slices and put it on your pimples for 15 minutes.

Take a Garlic and cut it half and rub it on your pimples leave it for 20 minutes and remove it with wet clot .
Garlic and Aloe Vera gel will be also a good combination.
Take garlic and put aloe vera gel onto it and just rub it on you pimple.

#Baking Soda
This one is very simple and easily available in every household
Take some baking soda and add few drops of water and mix it to form a paste and apply it on your pimple but don't leave this not more than than a 20 minutes because it drys your skin.

Pimple Mask

#Turmeric Milk and Honey
Take a bowl put 1 teaspoons of turmeric powder , put 2 teaspoons of milk and then add 1 spoon of honey into it mix well and them apply this mixture on your face for 15 minutes and rinse off with water.

#Banana Honey and oats
Take 1/4 Banana into bowl add 1 teaspoon of honey and then mix well by add oats 1 teaspoon into it apply it on face leave it for 20 to 25 minutes and then clean it with lukewarm water.

If This Tips doesnt work i would highly recommend you to consult a dermatologist and hear what they have to say.

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